Monday 11 August 2008

Georgian units liquidated 60 spetsnaz servicemen of Russian GRU –President Saakashvili

Georgian units liquidated 60 spetsnaz servicemen of Russian GRU –President Saakashvili
The Georgian military units have liquidated 60 spetsnaz servicemen ofthe Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the ArmedForces of the Russian Federation (GRU), news agency Novosti-Gruziyareports, referring to a statement by the President of Georgia, MikheilSaakashvili.
The president mentioned this episode speaking to the oppositionrepresentatives in Tbilisi today. Saakashvili reportedly said the fightbetween Gergian units and Russian GRU spetsnaz was taking place on theTiakani height in the Tskhinvali administrative area.Georgia withdrew its troops from the separatist region of South Ossetiaafter four days of fighting with Russian and Ossetian forces ascasualties rise ``into the hundreds,'' according to a government official.

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