Saturday, 16 August 2008

Minsk Silence on S. Ossetia

13 August 2008

Minsk Silence on S. Ossetia

MINSK -- Russia's ambassador to Belarus said Tuesday that Moscow couldnot understand why Minsk, nominally a close ally, had failed to offerthe Kremlin open support in its conflict with Georgia.
"We are somewhat perplexed by the modest silence of the Belarussian side. You need to express yourself more clearly on such issues,"Ambassador Alexander Surikov told a briefing.
Belarus' Foreign Ministry has called on both sides to lay down theirarms and start negotiating for peace.Surikov complained that Belarus had not even offered to send aid forpeople injured or made homeless in South Ossetia. "We have alwayssupported and defended Belarus," he said. (Reuters)

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