Tuesday 12 August 2008

Russia Occupies Significant Part of Georgia’ – Saakashvili

Russia Occupies Significant Part of Georgia’ – Saakashvili

Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 11 Aug.'08 / 21:02

Saakashvili said in a televised address:
• The army should struggle to the end;
• We will never surrender;
• Georgian forces are re-grouping;

Russia took over control of the major highway passing through Gori and“separated the country’s western part from the east,” PresidentSaakashvili said at a session of National Security Council at 8:45pm onAugust 11.
It was earlier reported that the Russian forces were in control of Gori.It was earlier reported that the Russian forces were in control of Gori.
The Russian Defense Ministry, however, has denied that its forces werein Gori, Interfax news agency report at 9:15pm.Russian forces also advanced deep into the Georgian territory frombreakaway Abkhazia as well, taking control of Senaki.
“Situation is extremely grave,” Saakashvili said. “This is occupationattempt, attempt to totally occupy Georgia, attempt to destroy Georgia.”“Russia’s goal is to put an end to existence of the Georgian state,” headded.“We are receiving only moral and humanitarian help from theinternational community, but we need more than that. We want them tostop these barbaric aggressors.”
“Our armed forces will carry out regrouping and we will protect and continue fighting for our future… We will never surrender, we will neversay no to freedom and our future; we will never kneel down.”
“Russia’s goal is to trigger panic and chaos and civil confrontation in Georgia... Do not let the enemy’s major goal be achieved. We should notallow chaos, political confrontation.”
He also called on the population to gather outside the Parliament at 3pmon August 12 “to show the enemy that we are united and strong.”

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