Office of the Press Secretary
August 11, 2008
President Bush Discusses Situation in Georgia
THE PRESIDENT: I just met with my national security team to discuss thesituation in Georgia.I am deeply concerned by reports that Russian troops have moved beyondthe zone of conflict, attacked the Georgian town of Gori, and arethreatening the Georgia's -- Georgia's capital of Tbilisi. There'sevidence that Russian forces may soon begin bombing the civilian airportin the capital city.
It now appears that an effort may be underway to depose Russia's* dulyelected government. Russia has invaded a sovereign neighboring state andthreatens a democratic government elected by its people. Such an actionis unacceptable in the 21st century.
The Georgian government has accepted the elements of a peace agreementthat the Russian government previously said it would be willing toaccept: an immediate cease-fire, the withdrawal of forces from the zoneof conflict, a return to the military status quo as of August 6th, and acommitment to refrain from using force. There are representatives of theEuropean Union and the Organization for Security and Cooperation inEurope currently in Moscow seeking Russia's agreement to this peace plan.
Russia's government must respect Georgia's territorial integrity andsovereignty. The Russian government must reverse the course it appearsto be on, and accept this peace agreement as a first step towardresolving this conflict.Russia's actions this week have raised serious questions about itsintentions in Georgia and the region. These actions have substantiallydamaged Russia's standing in the world. And these actions jeopardizeRussians' relations -- Russia's relations with the United States andEurope. It is time for Russia to be true to its word and to act to endthis crisis.
Thank you.
END 5:24 P.M. EDT*Georgia's duly elected government
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